How are students doing?

Keeping with the theme of student evaluations, here is a quick and easy way to gauge the student

experience during a course. This is a lightweight option to reading open-ended responses to questions
like “What did you like this week?” or giving lengthy end-of-course questionnaires.

Here are five questions students could respond via a 5-point Likert scale:

  • I was challenged intellectually by the content and activities this week.
  • I had plenty of support from the professor, my classmates, and the course tools as I worked this week.
  • I am closer to mastering the ideas of the course now than I was at the beginning of the week.
  • I made progress in learning this week because of my own efforts and choices.
  • I felt I was part of a community of learners this week

The first two questions regarding challenge and support can be mapped on to the 2x2 matrix in the graphic to get a sense of who might need an intervention. The final three regards intrinsic motivation as described by self-determination theory. Read the details here


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